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Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM©)

The COPM© is both a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) and a patient reported experience measure (PREM). It focuses on the patient’s most important needs and measures the most relevant outcomes for the patient. The COPM© can improve the patient’s experience by supporting the clinician’s ability to establish a positive relationship with the patient. The COPM© is being implemented across the continuum from acute care to inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. The COPM© is utilized to help patients identify their goals and rate their performance and satisfaction to support their recovery journey. The Toronto Stroke Networks (TSNs) are monitoring and reporting on the completion of COPM© to understand patient outcomes using standardized language and to support seamless transitions for the patient.

Resources to Support Administration of the COPM©
COPM© Documentation Tools

Please see the attached fillable and regular PDF versions of the COPM© documentation tool. These forms are to be completed in alignment with the eStroke Rehab Referral System. They are only intended for use when completing a COPM© that will be inputted into eStroke.

eStroke COPM© documentation tool - fillable

eStroke COPM© documentation tool

Steps for Implementing the COPM© 




TSNs’ Interprofessional COPM© Education Session with Anne Hunt – September 21, 2021

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